1. Accepted/Affirmed: Fully & Finally Forgiven: Forgiveness
is remedial, removing every barrier that blocks
relationship with the Father. We owed God an unpayable
debt for the sins we committed. Christ has taken all of these upon Himself (“Himself for me”), along with all our
guilt and shame, past, present, and future. If our
life is not firmly grounded in this rock-solid assurance, we develop elaborate
defense and coping mechanisms to block out pain and gain a fragment of counterfeit acceptance
and significance. These false strategies block authentic life.
2. Belonging:
Beloved & Blessed Child: You were born to be loved by your heavenly
Father. “Í see
and adore you,” reassures Your heavenly Father.” “You matter to Me.” “I prize you.” “You are loveable!” The old is gone; the new is here (2 Corinthians 5:17), even though
we are still very much in-process.
It’s breathtaking how much the Father loves you! We
are our Father’s beloved and blessed child, His very favorite because He first loved us (1
John 4:19). We are now home in His
presence, the home we have always looked for. Without
this absolute, unswerving assurance of His willing choice, we will go about our
lives with a futile striving to prove our value through what we do.
3. Competent:
Jesus Calls Us to Explore with Him: Jesus is the
great Explorer and doesn’t like to work alone. The King of kings recovers His territory as He partners with us to explore
and conquer. Step beyond the confines of what we feel
we can control. Develop an environment with “high
learning, low shame,” which encourages each to step out…even if a bit terrified! This demands risk-taking, adaptability and ingenuity, flowing out
of complete trust to explore both
internal and external change. “Am I enough?” “Do I have what it takes?” “Am I
worthy?” Jesus replies to our eager hearts, “Yes…and
only in and with Me!”
Soak now in the ABC’s of identity resting in our
Team-of-Three. Slow, incremental growth is normal in some seasons of life so be
This came from my book, Foundation Stones. I also have a web-site with tools, books and "more than Bible studies" that have helped me to live out of this spiritual DNA, www.JimFredericks.com
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