
Monday, March 19, 2018

Jesus Is Incomparable!

I began reading the Bible that first summer, or more accurately, devoured it. I could not get enough! It was all new! And Jesus stood center-stage. The unfulfilled longings in my heart now had answers and a face, Jesus.

I knew very little about Jesus when I committed my life to Him at twenty-five. As I read the New Testament (NT), though, I began to see the most attractive and remarkable man I had ever encountered! And to know this person desires relationship with me increased my longing. The depths of Jesus Christ our Lord are so vast, I’m glad God usually teaches us through “layer learning.” We learn one aspect that is completely true, yet only a portion of the fathomless layers of the fullness of Christ.

Early-on I somehow learned that Christianity is all about relationship, my relationship with God and with His people and the lost world. Over time, this introvert learned to draw life and vitality through life-influencing interaction with people. So as I read through the Gospels, I began to model my life after Jesus. An important aspect of God’s plan for the ages is to make me more like Jesus (Romans 8:29). And as I read the Gospels, I saw the incredible way Jesus related to those in need.

An ancient myth relates that one fleeting glimpse of this mythical figure in the woods, and a person would spend a lifetime for just one more glimpse. Jesus is no myth. Though one glance at Jesus, rightfully seen, and we will invest the rest of our lives getting to know Him better. And Jesus rushes to reveal Himself to us (John 14:21). Allow a picture to form in our mind of the life-giving abundance of the True Vine (John 15). Let the Spirit awaken within us such a deep longing for Jesus that we turn from all else to admire and embrace Him. Jesus won us a perfect right standing before God. We are “in Christ” through faith in His life and death, His resurrection and ascension. Jesus gives us His very own life, life with an eternal quality, life together with His Father, the only life Jesus has. His aim? To make us fruit-bearers who bring joy to others.

Implicit in the figure of the True Vine in John 15 is full and abundant provision for life and fruitfulness for my branch-life, as I draw on it. He initiates and I respond, “Yes, sir!” No poverty exists in the vine, or could exist in the True Vine. A vine provides everything a branch needs to fulfill its life-purpose. The very life of the vine surges through the branches (perhaps a subtle image of the Spirit’s ministry in John 14-16). This eternal life produces delicious, juicy, sweet fruit for the owner of the vineyard. Pick up a luscious cluster of grapes at the store. Eat them leisurely as you read John 15:1-17 and reflect on the True Vine.

This came from my book, Foundation Stones. I also have a web-site with tools, books and "more than Bible studies" that have helped me to live out of this spiritual DNA,

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