
Sunday, April 29, 2018

A Healthy Perspective on Tough Times

Over the years, I have grown certain that every circumstance in my life is an invitation to grow from a loving God. Trials are “super-charged” with rich possibilities to break long standing habits. First and foremost, trials illuminate the “gaps” in my life so I might partner with God to transform my mind (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:23).
First, the “gap” between what God is really like and my perception of Him. Second, between how God knows me and how I see myself. Third, between how God sees His world of people and how I see them so that I might better serve those around me. Put eggs, potatoes and coffee beans into hot water; eggs harden, potatoes soften, and coffee beans release flavor into the hot water. Heat reveals what’s inside. James 1:2-18 is a great place to begin seeing God’s invitation to full life in tough times.

1. Trials invite me into great joy as I face them squarely (not the trial itself, but the opportunity for change latent within as we turn to God), 2.

2. God releases an ability for me to wait long enough in the heat of the testing of my faith for Him to further His work of maturing me, 3-4.

3. Trials display “gaps” in my life so in faith I will ask my generous Giver for practical wisdom to discern the source of the trial and my response to close these “gaps, (four sources of “crisis of faith”), 5-8.

4. Trials come impartially and uniquely to all, 9-11.

5. After standing through the trial, “treasure hunt within the trial to discover God’s crown of life and then reframe the event with this good (Heb. 12:2b; Rom. 8:28), 12. Trials are temporary; the results eternal.

6. Never blame-shift, especially toward God since He is not in the tempting-business, 13. We empower trials as we set our focus on them.

7. Under pressure, my self-life is forced out of hidden darkness into the open. Now I have the choice to stop my self-life from birthing more sin and deathlike events in me since God wastes nothing, 14-15.

8. Trials are fertile soil for the Evil One to deceive me, unless I hang onto God’s goodness with one hand (“good & perfect”) and His greatness with the other (He sovereignly “chose,” 18), 16-17.

9. Expect God to birth fresh life in me through His Word (so dive into your “deep wells” of Scripture during these fluid times), 18.

Trials are super-charged. They are pregnant with opportunities for change…and also with the danger to spiral down if we focus on ourselves or our turmoil (these two words are combined in the Chinese word for “crisis”). Develop godly passions, aligning with the “expulsive power of a new affection.” What does God want to gift you with through these tough times? Lean into Jesus now. Learn to navigate in the calm.

This is Reflection #29 in my book, Foundation Stones. I also have a web-site with tools, books and "more than Bible studies" that have helped me to live out of this spiritual DNA,

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