First focus on the two “bookends” that surround the one command
to “make disciples.” Jesus has
universal authority throughout all space and time. The “therefore” in verse 19 implies what other Scripture makes clear.
Jesus now delegates His authority to His people. We carry His authority. Jesus
then concludes with the encouraging words that He is perpetually present
wherever we go and whatever we do and say (28:20). What assurance, His
authority and His presence until the end of the ages!
This commission only has
one command, “make disciples of every
people group,” with three descriptors showing us how to do this. In the 1st
century, a disciple was one who learns from a person in an interactive,
question/answer, life-to-life way, rather than only from books or in classrooms.
The world was Jesus’ classroom so He taught both formally and informally on the
go. Jesus discipled the Twelve in primary groups of three or four (gathered
together as the Twelve). What He taught flowed from who He was, so they saw Him
up-close-and-personal. They were changed as they beheld (2 Cor 3:18). Jesus’
strategy is timeless, working to make disciples in any culture at any time
since the world is on His heart. And how can we make learners or followers of
Jesus today?
- Evangelize (“go”): The Father sends us to live life outwardly as His witnesses in the world, just like He sent His Son, Jesus.
- Enfold (“baptize”): Baptize means to plunge fully in. Our water baptism testifies that we belong to God through faith in Christ. For the church body, baptism signifies this person is immersed or enfolded into our faith-community for mutual support/care.
- Equip (“teach to do”): Not just teaching information; a lifestyle of willing obedience to multiple other followers (Ezra 7:10).
Jesus’ simple plan is
spiritual multiplication with a solid spiritual DNA. Four grow together, then
become 16; 16 to 64 in three spiritual generations, multiplying faith-communities
as small as 3-5 people. Are you becoming more like Jesus and bringing others
along with you?
This is Reflection #46 in my book, Foundation Stones. I also have a web-site with tools, books and "more than Bible studies" that have helped me to live out of this spiritual DNA,
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