
Thursday, April 5, 2018

New Growth In Christ

Newborns grow. Life must develop…& this means epic struggles at times.
I still graphically remember dark times early on my journey when growth seemed so slow and life made no sense. As I reflect back, I grew as I leaned into God in hard times and easy, small things and large. I could give you my list. I’m sure, though, that you will soon be gathering your own. God is good, always pursuing our best because He loves us.

Time & Process: As you are all-in, also be patient. This Both/And response brings tension. And out growth rate will not be constant…this is normal. It takes 100 years to grow an oak tree; only 6 months for squash. God is into growing oak trees. We often grow through a “crisis of faith” followed by a process to solidify life. An oak tree grows during the warm summer months. During the cold winters, oak trees process the new growth to make it strong. God is into process, so don’t rush the seasons.
We are on an adventurous journey with our Friends so enjoy the scenery on the way. God is satisfied with one step after another to develop character, just so the steps are taken toward Him. And please don’t compare your growth rate to others. This tends to bring discouragement, or pride and judgment, depending on your conclusion about yourself and the other. God loves you as a unique, one-of-a-kind child. And He has a special plan (Jeremiah 29:11). Don’t run before Him or lag behind. Keep in step with the Spirit, your Friend and Helper, Partner and Teacher.

Ready Obedience: The “Yes, sir!” of ready obedience is a simple key to growth. Lean in hard to the Father, Son and Spirit in every event of life, the good, the bad and the ugly. Knowledge has little value to us unless it’s put into action so be a doer of the Word (James 1:22). And this often cuts across the grain of society and our own self-life when so many people insist, “I want my rights.” God loves us and knows what is best for us. His “no” never deprives us of something ultimately good for us. His “no” provides us with protection from harm, like a fence guards a dangerous cliff. God’s “do this” is because He designed us for abundance and knows what is best for us.

Active Participation: We are an army, not an audience. He calls us to press into the things of God as agile risk-takers. “Everyone gets to play” as we all actively participate, so risk-take. “Descend” to serve others as God lifts you up to finish this good work He has begun in you (Philippians 1:6). This is what God is working towards in your life. Did you notice I said “working towards”? God knows your heart, that deep down you really want to obey, even when you fail to (John 17:6). God looks patiently at the desires of our heart with mercy and forgiveness.

This is Reflection #14 in my book, Foundation Stones. I also have a web-site with tools, books and "more than Bible studies" that have helped me to live out of this spiritual DNA,

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