
Sunday, April 8, 2018

Removing Spiritual Allergies

My wife had devoured nuts all her life. While we were missionaries in Germany, she picked up a severe allergic reaction to her favorite food. One nut and her glands would swell up so she looked like she had been in a street fight.

One of the best allergist in Germany gave her no hope, except shots to control her allergic reaction. Back in the States, we were in a holistic Doctor’s office. He shocked me when he stated that he could reverse the allergy. The Doctor first needed to test a baseline of common, foundational life-essentials and clear any allergies in these areas. First Fran needed a healthy baseline. Once Fran had a solid baseline, her body operated in a state of higher health to naturally support vibrant life. I write to provide a healthy spiritual DNA as a baseline.

Our physical makeup imitates God’s spiritual design. Our spiritual lives operate in a state of higher spiritual health when we lay a solid foundation of life-essentials. God fashioned us as highly interconnected beings, fearfully and wonderfully made. If one or two key “foundation stones” are missing or poorly laid, our life reflects diminished health. We may cope by saying, “I’m just broken,” excusing ourselves from pushing in to all that God has for us. But God provides a better way!

We understand allergies a bit, right? For example, we discover that our physical body is Vitamin C deprived, causing serious long-term health problems. However, we are pounding Vitamin C rich fruits and veggies and top supplements.
What has gone wrong?
Our body is allergic to Vitamin C, rejecting what is actually essential for health. Some chain of events or associations in the past have falsely re-programmed our brain and destructive cellular memories to miscalculate that Vitamin C is a threat to the wellbeing of our body. Vitamin C is ingested and our brain erroneously deploys its soldiers. “Destroy the enemy, Vitamin C. Disrupt the body so badly that Vitamin C will not be ingested.” After exposing and clearing the deceptive physical allergy, a new level of physical health is available because our body can now assimilate Vitamin C.

It’s the same in the spiritual realm. Flood your life with what releases and supports health. Then if you have a spiritual “allergic reaction,” clear the spiritual allergy so assimilation of the good, spiritual nutrients flow again naturally. “Perception is reality” is certainly a lie. We often respond though based on our false perceptions, not on Reality.
These “Foundation Stones” lay down a spiritual Reality to transform our minds (Romans 12:2). Growth comes by adjusting our reality to God-Reality. Align our mind-set with God and restore spiritual health to everyday life. And, yes, Fran eats bunches of nuts today with no negative impact.

This is Reflection #16 in my book, Foundation Stones. I also have a web-site with tools, books and "more than Bible studies" that have helped me to live out of this spiritual DNA,

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